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Brief of Idea 

Name: Get Lippy  

Brand: We aim to empower others through the art of makeup and share the stories of female bosses to help inspire others. Giving a safe space to allow people to expressive themselves in a creative way.  

Brand/Logo: still in development. The colour theme is shades of purple and black, with hints of pink and green.


Premise: the aim is to create a YouTube and podcast show called “Get Lippy”. In the show, I will be interviewing a female boss from the local fife area whilst doing their makeup. I am a makeup artist, so I wanted to share my skills and knowledge with others but rather than just doing a traditional beauty makeup video, I wanted to do something that helped to empower others. So, people can watch the YouTube videos if they want to see the makeup side of things and then if not, they can listen to the podcast instead to hear the interview.  

YouTube video: 20 to 30 minutes long  

Podcast: up to 1 hour  

Highlight reels: short videos I can post to social media to advertise


Photos: Photos of the model before and after and the process of the interview 

Shots: close ups of before and after, me doing the makeup, the model talking, zoomed out of both of us.  

Lighting: natural beauty white light.  

Business Model Canvas

The Business Model CanvasDesigned for PPP_Page_1.jpg

Getting use to being on camera 

So, I have ways been a person that has just posted photos onto my social media, and I have never really posted videos. So, to prepare for this project I knew I had to practice being in front of the camera and get comfortable talking. So, the past couple of weeks I have been filming “get ready with me” videos and posting them on my TikTok. It has certainly been a learning curve. I am terrible editing videos so that is definitely something that i need to work on. I am going to link the videos here and then post photos of the feedback also. I was rather nervous posting them to the public as sometimes people can be brutal and I was scared of being judged, surprisingly though people have been really nice and I have even had 2 brands interact with my content so far, which is amazing. 

TikTok Links: 1. ummm I really rubbish at captions. here is another grwm to legit just ... | TikTok 

2. Another day, another grwm. Just some skincare today as I wasn't feelin... | GRWM | TikTok 

3. This is my first video like this so it's not the best but it's authent... | TikTok 



Update 1 - The first big snag that I have hit is trying to export he videos off my phone. For some strange reason phones just can't seem to support any video over a couple of minutes. This is getting to be really frustrating as for the know I am trying to practice using the camera on my phone, but it really is struggling to save, send and export the videos. I'm at a point right now that I just really don't know what to do. I am going to speak with some people in the media department and see if they can help me as I am feeling a bit overwhelmed now with what I should do. With the video itself, the makeup went well, as this is something I am confident in. As for me interviewing someone and acting as the host, well let's just say you can see that I am nervous and jumble over my words, I found it hard to find the flow at first as I did feel uncomfortable. Like a lot of pressure was on my shoulders. This is why I am practicing though, and this is the whole point of it, so I can grow and develop my skills at being a host and interviewing people.  

Update 2 – I have found a solution. I managed to take the clips and upload them on to TiKTok, where I then could edit them together and then I posted it. I decided to make it private the now as it is the first practice and I want to wait until I improve before making them public. From there I was able to save a copy onto my phone and then send to someone on team's chat. I then downloaded it to the computer where I could then upload it to my website. It sounds a lot, and it is but the other apps and methods just wouldn't support me trying to get the video on to website and on to social media. Obviously, the point right now is not how the videos looks, as I will be filming the prototype in a film studio. What important right now is that I get comfortable being in front of the camera and going in confidence and skills as a host.  

Social Media Update with Feedback

Update 1 – In the last week I have uploaded o all my social media pages. I had a rather busy week, so I have only uploaded 2 videos to TikTok, but I have also shared them on other planforms as well as posting photos to my Instagram and Facebook. It important I think to post consistently every week. I feel like i am getting better at talking to the camera and letting my personality shine through. I do however need to work on my speech as I do talk rather fast at times as I do a thick Scottish accent which when others hear sounds fast as they aren't used to it. So, I'd need to mindful of that. I have had the brand Doll Beauty interact with my posts again which is fantastic news. They seem to really love interacting with small creators which is very encouraging. My goal right now is to stay consistent with my posting and make sure I don't go into a slump. As someone with ADHD I find it difficult to stay consistent all the time with things, especially if I feel like its work that I will find boring. That is not the case here though, I love makeup and doing it and trying new trends and products but posting consistently is something I will struggle wit. Especially when I feel drained from doing everything else in life. So right now, my goal is to try and keep on top of everything and not stress out too much. 

I have put the links to the videos below as well as photos of feedback and what photos from my of social media accounts also. It was my graduation from my HND last week so that that fun to go to.  


TikTok Link 1: Yesterday was my graduation and I thought why not film a grwm. I was s... | Makeup GRWM | TikTok 


TikTok Link 2: A wee day in the life 🙂 | TikTok 


Instagram Link: Graduation ✨️❤️🎉 #graduation #hnd #makeupartist #scottishmua #professionalmakeupartist #wedidit | Instagram 


So, for to help with my development and gain the knowledge and skills needed to run a business as well as developing myself as a creative, I have done a few workshops. I have done 8 workshops with Bridge 2 Business that I have wrote reflection piece on, on a separate page. I shall link the page here.  

I have also started the #FemaleBoss program and will be updating the page that I have created for that on a weekly basis.  

Practice Make Perfect 

Last week I focused more on Day in the Life videos. I like this format and it allows me to just talk to the camera. Right now, I am just wanting to put out content no matter the subject matter. Doing this style videos allows people to get to know me and build up a repour with my audience. I do need to start making more makeup content though and I am planning to do that over the next couple of weeks. As it is February, I am planning to do some valentines makeup looks and doing a couple more practice interviews.  I am really looking forward to actually filming the prototype but do still need to work on my interview skills. I am writing about that in a separate section of this page though. I did follow a trend this week for one of my videos, which was you put too photos of yourself and on the second photo you put in a list of everything you are obsessed with, it goes along with this audio as well that is trending with the idea. Though i think it is important to create your own niche, it is also important to try and tie in trends into your content to help your audience grow. I found that by doing this video I received some great feedback and I also have interactions from new people. My plan for the next coming weeks is to still develop my niche, interview skills and audience but I will also be throwing in a few trending videos ideas in also.  


TikTok Link 1: I asked my sister what she thought I was addicted to and she said "alw... | TikTok 


TikTok Link 2: I really didn't want to go in early today but needs must, especially w... | Uni student | TikTok 

TikTok Link 3: A little day in my life. It was okay. I live a very ordinary, boring l... | Day In My Life | TikTok 


TikTok Link 4: Anyone else hate Teams? Like I am never off it the now. Don't even get... | Uni student | TikTok 

Interview Skills 

Article Link: Kohler, C. (2021) How to conduct a good interview: 14 go-to interview techniques ..., Muck Rack. Available at: (Accessed: 13 February 2024). 

When reading this article, it gave 14 tips and steps on how to conduct an interview. I was finding that a lot of sources I was looking at were aimed at job interviews which is the opposite of what I want to do in terms of the style of interviewing I want to do. So now I am looking at information about journalism style interviewing. I came across this article, and I have found it to be helpful. I know that the first thing I need to do is gather all the information I can about the person I am interviewing and their business. Then once I have done a deep dive, I will then put together all the questions. The article also talks about setting up the interview, letting them know how long it is going to take and what to expect.  


  1. Research the topic and your subject  

  2. Determine how you'll do the interview 

  3. Set expectations 

  4. Consider your interview questions – ask open-minded questions versus close-minded questions, ask for specific examples or numbers, end any interview by asking “Is there anything else important that we haven't covered” 

  5. Start with the basics 

  6. Actively listen and ask the follow up questions 

  7. Take the lead 

  8. Avoid talking about yourself  

  9. Ask the hard questions 

  10. Be comfortable with awkward pauses 

  11. Respect their time  

  12. Show gratitude 

  13. Follow up  

  14. Save their contact information 

Reference: Stetson, M. (2015) Journalism: How to lead an interview, YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: 13 February 2024). 

From watching this video it gives a simple breakdown of how to lead an interview. There seems to be a common theme with each step that you should follow. First doing the research, then crafting your questions, listening in to your interviewee, record the interview, reflecting on your interview. I feel Like the more I learn about this the better I am feeling about actually conducting my own interview.  I feel confident in the fact that I will be able to gather all the information and put together my questions. I am worried about then doing the the interview in front of the camera, as I seem to clam up when having to work in front of other people. Its definitely something I need to work on. 

Video and Sound Editing

For this project I will be working with a Media and Communications student, Stephanie Douglas. She will be helping me to film, record and edit all of the media for the prototype. But I wanted to have a full understanding and knowledge about everything every piece of software that would be used to produce the prototype. I thinks its important for any entrepreneur, boss, CEO to have knowledge about every area of their business as this shows initiative and true leaderships skills.

Premier Pro – For Beginners 

Premier pro is an editing software that majority of video editors, YouTubers, and content creators use to edit sound and video. It is also used with in the TV and Film industry. The video above is aimed at beginners to help them have a basic idea of how to use the software and what all the tools can do. The video started out first explaining how to start a new project and export your media on to the files section, for you to start editing. It was explained that you might it make it easier for yourself if you sort all your media into separate files such as audio, b-roll, drone footage etc. We were then shown how to create a sequence or a timeline. You can click, drag and drop the piece of media that you want. From there, there are various tools on the side that then allow you to edit the clips. Cutting, effects, transitions, saturation. The video explained that you could set up different workspaces depending on what you were specifically working on such as transitions, special effects, sound editing. Each one was set up different and you could change the workspace at any time while working on your project. The aim of this, is help you do more in-depth editing with specific tasks. I found the video overall to be very helpful as it showed the whole layout of Premier Pro, and you could see everything he was doing, whilst he was explaining everything. This information was very useful in helping me gain an understanding and knowledge on the basics of using this software.  

Podcast Editing  

“Podcast editing is often the most intimidating part of production for new podcast hosts. But even if you’ve never edited a podcast episode before, today’s user-friendly tools and software make it easier than ever to start a podcast without a technical background. 

That’s why in this guide, I’m excited to share our favorite podcast editing tools, tips for editing a podcast, and recommendations to hire an editor if you decide to outsource. 

Podcast editing overview 

Editing a podcast has a few key steps. You’ll clean up any background noises, remove mistakes or slower parts of the conversation, add different audio elements, and ultimately export a finished file. 

But different podcasts need different amounts of editing. So an audio drama or highly produced podcast for a major network is going to have a lot of editing — probably adding sounds, intro music, commercial breaks, etc.  

But if your podcast is just you talking into a mic with minimal background noise, or it’s a casual interview conversation, then you might just be looking to cut out mistakes or restarts. 

Step 1: Decide who will edit your podcast 

Even if you feel capable of editing a podcast, you may still decide to outsource your podcast editing to free up your valuable time. 

Step 2: Choose your podcast editing tool 

Choosing the right podcast editing tool makes all the difference, and some tools are more user-friendly than others. 

For most podcast hosts, my favourite podcast editing tool is Descript. They make it easy to record and edit your podcast via text-based editing. 

Step 3: Edit your podcast 

For this step, we’ll break things down into the main steps most podcast hosts will go through to edit any podcast episode. But your personal workflow may vary: 

1. Import your raw audio 

Depending on what tool you use to record your podcast, you may need to import your raw audio files into your editing tool. (With Descript, you record directly into their platform.) 

2. Remove background noises 

Use the noise reduction tool to get rid of unwanted noises in the audio. When you’ve relistened to the material, you might find computer hums, a hiss from the mic, or other background noises. 

With Descript, you can use a built-in tool called Studio Sound to automatically reduce these noises. 

3. Cut out restarts or errors 

This is the piece that takes the most time. You’ll listen to your episode from start to finish to remove any repeats, errors, or unnecessary audio. 

Although this part isn’t technical, it can be very time-consuming. I typically say that editing will take 1.5x-2x the length of the raw recording, but it might be longer in the beginning. (For example, a 30 minute recording might take 60 minutes to edit.) 

4. Smooth out the details…without overly perfecting things 

Although you’ll want your edited episode to sound professional, you also don’t want to sound like a robot. So although it might be tempting to remove all filler words, you’ll usually sound more human and relatable when your final cut sounds like a natural conversation. 

So although it takes time to get used to how you sound in recordings, I’d encourage you to focus more on the big-picture flow rather than getting stuck removing every tiny “um” or perceived imperfection. 

5. Use additional audio enhancement tools (optional) 

You can always skip this step, but some podcast hosts enjoy playing around with the audio quality using additional mixing tools like compressors or EQ. These typically affect the way your voice sounds, so it might become deeper or more round, depending on your selections. 

But if your podcast sounds good to you, I wouldn’t worry too much about those intermediate bells and whistles. But as you become more experienced, you might become interested in these additional options to fine-tune your audio quality. 

6. Add music or sound effects 

Music can really enhance your podcast by setting the mood or conveying emotion. 

Most podcasts choose to include a theme song with their podcast intro, but you may also choose to incorporate music or sound effects into your content as you get more comfortable with the editing process. 

My #1 tip is to make sure you avoid copyrighted music in your podcast and choose audio from a royalty-free source. 


7. Export your finished audio file 

When you’re done editing, you’ll be ready to export your finished audio file and upload it into your podcast hosting platform to schedule it for publishing. (Nice job!)” (Guller, 2024) 

The type of podcast you have will determine how much editing you need to do. If the interview is lengthy, you might be able to get away with only "topping and tailing" the beginning and conclusion and adding an introduction and outro. But, you'll undoubtedly need to make some edits if your performance has multiple portions or if you've filmed a lot more than you want to use. (Acast, 2022) 

Play back everything you've recorded first. Date and time stamp the parts of your files that you want to utilise or remove. After obtaining this list, it will be easier for you to go back to your master files and begin making changes. Do not, however, begin this process with your one and only master file. Just in case, keep a backup copy of the original recording stored elsewhere. Additionally, take in mind to save your edit as you work. (Acast, 2022) 

Your episode should begin to take shape once you've started slicing down your files and dragging them into order on your DAW. The talk may seem to move about a bit if you're making large gaps in it. Here's where a little jingle or transition track may make everything go more smoothly. You can get royalty-free music online, but make sure you're only using it for purposes for which you have permission. (Acast, 2022) 

When researching how to edit a podcast I looked a few resources including guides from professional podcasters, as well as watching some “how to?” YouTube Videos. I found the guides to be easy to follow and they all recommended great software apps that you could use. I wanted to expand on my previous research and gain some skills in editing some audio.  

Product, Tools and Equipment 

Equipment needed for the podcast recording; 

  • Computer 

  • Microphone – as I am doing a multiple person recording it is better to use a mic that has a XLR output. Such as Condenser Mic and a Dynamic Mic. 

  • Mixer – connect to your microphone and computer, allows you to control the outputs, levels, inputs and more.  

  • Pop Filter- goes on the microphone and protects the mic from air blasts. 

  • Headphones  

  • Mic Stands – improves your sound quality and will allow me to move around freely which is essential for the podcast and video that I will be creating.  

  • Shock Mount – will prevent and minimise any unwanted sounds, brushes clattering, knocks on the table etc.  

  • Microphone Cables  

  • Editing Software 

  • Digital Recorder – mobile device, hands free, can take out to various places to record.  

  • SD Card – you need to save your audio and film files somewhere. 

Equipment needed for filming the podcast and YouTube video; 

  • Camera  

  • Lights 

  • Boom Mic  

  • Computer  

  • Microphones 

Location Information

For the location I have decided to go with the filming studio at Fife college. As I am both a Fife college student as well as a Queen Margaret student, I can hire out the space for free. I can also hire out all the equipment as well for free as I will be using it for a project that is for university.  


Customer Engagement - Interactive Experiance


Creating an immersive customer engagement experience is paramount in today's market. Through interactive initiatives, brands can forge deeper connections with their audience. By leveraging gamification, personalized content, and real-time interaction, customers feel actively involved in the brand's narrative. Whether it's through quizzes, polls, or live Q&A sessions, fostering two-way communication fosters a sense of belonging and loyalty. Furthermore, integrating user-generated content and social media interaction amplifies the experience, turning customers into brand advocates. Ultimately, prioritizing interactive experiences not only enhances customer satisfaction but also drives long-term engagement and brand affinity in an increasingly competitive landscape. (Kolb, 2020)

Community Building 

In today's dynamic market, effective community building and customer engagement are essential for brand success. By fostering interactive experiences, brands create spaces where customers feel valued and connected. Through forums, live events, and personalized content, brands can cultivate a sense of belonging and loyalty among their audience. Encouraging user-generated content and facilitating meaningful conversations further strengthens community bonds. As a result, customers become active participants in shaping the brand's narrative, driving long-term engagement and advocacy. By prioritizing community building and customer engagement, brands can forge deeper connections, enhance brand loyalty, and thrive in an increasingly competitive landscape. (Dahl, 2012)

Using Cap Cut

Small Project

In this videos I have recorded my editing process using CapCut. I have first added in all the clips that I wanted, using the cutting tool on some of the clips to get the exact moment that I wanted from some of the slips. I then uploaded them all to the editing space. Adding a song, transitions and to balancing effect

This was the final video that I produced for my client. She wanted me to add a voice over describing the products and each stage of the process. This was something I had never done before so it was learning curve and I had to do several takes before I got it right.

Social Media Add for Get Lippy

Above is a video I created showing how I made the add That I would use to advertise Get Lippy on social media. Using Cap Cut and Canva. I first created the Get Lippy sign/logo on Canva. I then took the clip from behind the scenes on filming day and added that in also. I was then able to edit them together, adding in a smooth transition between clips and also adding in an upbeat song.

Below is the final video that I produced and then posted on social media.

Updated SWOT, SMART and ACTION Plans



Specific - My goal now is to produce more episode of Get Lippy. Posting them on YouTube and Spotify I will produce a body of work that shows my development as a creative and reflect on everything I do. Interviewing more female bosses from around Scotland. Posting them on  monthly basis at first and then building up to a weekly basis.

Measurable – I will measure the success of my business by looking at the the views and plays we get on each episode. also with the income we are making off of affiliate links, brand deals and advertisements.

Achievable - I know I am more than capable of achieving the results that I desire if I stick to my plans and keep up with the tasks given out. I cannot predict the future and I do not know if anything will happen to change my current plan but if I stick to it everything will go great. 

Relevant -I am filling a gap in the market. Providing information female entrepreneurship straight from female entrepreneurs. Not only am using my my skills as makeup artist, I am also sharing relevant and interesting information about business.

Time Bound - I will post an episode once a month to begin with, on the last Sunday of every month and then slowly work my way up to posting once a week, every Sunday.

Action Plan 

I'll get in touch with Stephanie ASAP to get more filming dates on the calendar. At the same time, I'm excited to reach out to female leaders from all corners of Scotland, inviting them to be a part of our show. It's all about showcasing diverse voices and perspectives.

In the digital realm, I'll be all over social media, sharing behind-the-scenes moments, clips, and engaging live streams. I can't wait to hear from our audience and learn what they love about the show—and how we can make it even better.

And when it comes to partnerships, I'm eager to connect with brands and businesses that align with our values. Together, we can create some awesome collaborations that benefit everyone involved while giving our production even more exposure.

SWOT Analysis

  • Podcasts are very popular

  • Makeup sales are up  

  • Creativity 

  • Influencers 

  • Freelancers 

  • Generates billions a year 

  • Small businesses on the rise  

  • Products suitable of everyone 

  • Sharing Relevant information about entrepreneurship

  • ​Not having being ale to get people on

  • the slow development

  • Not having a large team

  • Not having large funds

  • Social media  

  • Room for growth in the skincare sector 

  • TikTok shop 

  • Online retail 

  • Brand and Business collaboration

  • Sharing stories of women's journeys in female entrepreneurship.

  • Cost of Living Crisis 

  • Oversaturation 

  • Not utilising social media  

  • Suppliers 

  • Lack of confidence 

  • Lack of funding  

  • Lack of skills and knowledge 


Tiffani Ferrier -  

“Tiffani Ferrier, interior design extraordinaire, idea generator, and cat enthusiast. A 25-year-old alternative girlie with a passion for the weird and wonderful especially when it comes to aesthetics and spaces. She specialises in 3D modelling unique designs with unconventional furniture hand modelled by herself and creating spaces that invoke meaning and depth. This passion started as a love for the Sims when she was little, playing all day every day building homes and commercial lots for her families to interact with, and as she always fought with herself trying to figure out what to do as a career she would always go back to the game ultimately she found out that designing buildings is in fact a career and headed down that path achieving a HND in interior design. As gift-giving is her love language she believes she can give the gift of beautifully designed spaces to people across the world with a focus on conservation, sustainability, and accessibility because the world deserves more conscious design choices, and everybody should be able to access spaces that make them feel included and not an afterthought.” 

Set Design

This is the first set design that I have just done myself on Canva. Set design is not my forte but I have given it a go and I think it turned out okay for my first go, trying to creating something like this. There is an interior designer in my class who I will be contacting to help me develop the set design. 

Get Lippy set design 1 .png

Filming and Recording Day

March 18th finally arrived – filming day! I'd been eagerly awaiting it, but also feeling nervous after months of planning. I reminded myself it was just a pilot; mistakes were part of the learning process. The day itself went pretty smoothly, I think. Check out my full blog post for the scoop! 


Editing is no joke! Now that we've wrapped up filming and recording, it's time to tackle the editing phase. My trusty media guru, aka Stephanie, is taking the lead on this one. With her solid training and real-world experience, I'm lucky to have her expertise. 


While Stephanie handles the technical stuff, I'm getting hands-on with the editing process too. She's more like a mentor, showing me the ropes and helping me find my way. Together, we're turning raw footage into something polished, and I'm learning tons in the process.  


My journey into learning to edit YouTube videos and podcasts has been a rollercoaster of trial and error, frustration, and ultimately, fulfilment. It all started with a simple curiosity—how do people make their content look and sound so professional? Armed with determination and a willingness to learn, I dove headfirst into the world of editing. 


At first, it felt like navigating a maze without a map. The software seemed daunting, and every new feature felt like a puzzle to solve. But with each tutorial watched and every mistake made, I gradually began to understand the intricacies of editing. 


There were moments of sheer frustration when things didn't go as planned. Hours spent trying to figure out why my audio sounded off or why my video transitions looked choppy. But with perseverance came progress. I learned to troubleshoot problems, experiment with different techniques, and embrace the process of refinement.



Slowly but surely, my skills improved. I honed my eye for detail and fine-tuned my ear for sound with the help from Stephanie. What started as a daunting challenge evolved into a passion—one that fuelled late nights spent perfecting the pilot and early mornings eagerly sharing my creations with the world. 


Now, as I look back on how far I've come, I'm filled with pride and gratitude for the journey. Learning to edit YouTube videos and podcasts has not only expanded my skill set but also opened doors to new opportunities and connections. It's been a journey of growth, self-discovery, and unwavering dedication—one that I wouldn't trade for anything. And as I continue to learn and evolve, I'm excited to see where this path will take me next. 

uplaoded video to abode_edited.jpg

To start the the editing process I uploaded all of the files from the SD card on to Abode premier Pro.

effects workstation_edited.jpg

From here I was able to use the various workspaces that where available to add various editing tools and effects.



Dragons Den Presentation

This is the feedback that I have received from the panel at my Dragons Den Presentation.

Understanding and Analysis –


You show an outstanding and comprehensive understanding of your interesting and engaging project with excellent originality in

problem solving, critical thinking, analysis and evaluation

You show outstanding reflection on your skillset and soft skills at the start of the project using this to influence the choices you

have taken throughout, thus displaying an outstanding ability to synthesise concepts, knowledge and theory .



Knowledge and Technical Skills


You talked in depth about your research, then your plan for your project. You show an outstanding understanding of

your specialist areas plus gained extensive new skills networking with various business organisations such as the

female boss. Your interviews then focuses on interviewing women in business in an engaging and unusual manner

using your skill as a makeup artist.

Your research on this has been outstanding including podcasting, interviewing, and researching current or recent

interviews .



Your presentation was outstanding , it flowed well and you were articulate and passionate . The slides were

visually pleasing and easy to read .

Here is a look at my Mother Nature look I created 

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