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Industry Based Learning

Industry Based Learning Blog  

Week 1  

 14th September 

My first day as a Uni student. I think the first day of any new adventure can be daunting and maybe a little bit overwhelming. I think for me personally, I have always preferred a more hands-on approach to learning and so this course will certainly be different from what I'm used to. My first class was Industry Based Learning, and we went through everything that the class would be about and what was expected of us. We had to create a blog! I've never done anything like that before that would be a new skill to learn. We are to post on this blog regularly to reflect on what we are doing throughout the year, and what are we learning? Where am I? What skills do I have? What skills do I need to work on? Why am I doing what I'm doing? 


Basically, put everything in one place and at the end of the year I am to produce a 3000-word reflective essay. Honestly it all seems a lot of work right now and I think that because I'm still trying to figure out exactly what we are meant to be doing. A lot of looking at who I am and what I want to do. It's scary yet I can't wait to see where this class and course takes me.  


So here we are my first blog post on this page. It took me a hot minute (and a lot of shouting at the laptop) but I made a blog. Well, a website with separate pages for my classes. I have to say it was not as easy as first looked. I didn’t know how to make separate pages, add sections, add photos or text. It was a disaster! But after a day to cool down and play around with the different tools and settings I have managed to teach myself the basics. I'm sure as the year goes on, I will only get much better at blogging. I'm going to sign off now and I shall be back after next weeks class. 

Week 2  

18th September 

This week we have been look at different reflective writing models. It's all ben rather interesting. We have done a few tasks and I have to say this reflective writing stuff is not easy. I wish I had done a bit more research into it which I will now be doing this week. I just feel overwhelmed with everything and not sure what to do. I think coming from such a practical course and then coming onto this one which is so academic it been hard to find my feet. I am feeling a bit inadequate right now. I am hoping that over the next couple of week things become much more clearer and I do plan to get my head stuck into some books off the reading list and do more research. I put my tasks down below that I have done for this week. And I need to go back do one from last week because I completely missed it. Which I do take full responsibility for, but I shall have it all done before the next class. 

Industry Based Learning Task 1 – Reflection Writing  

The reflective model I am going to use its the ERA  


 Robinson, J. (2023) In-depth explanation of era cycle of reflection writing, Crowjack. Available at: (Accessed: 18 September 2023). 



So just this year I completed my Hnd year 2 in Makeup Artistry for TV, Film and Theatre. The big project that we have was our graded unit. The point of this is to take everything we learn from throughout the 2 years and use all the skills and knowledge and produce one big project. We had to pick 1 subject from a selection of 3. I choose to do Character makeup as I felt that it would show off all my skills the best but also push me to learn new things and experiment with different techniques, products, and materials. I choose to do a Mother Nature character a this was something not overly done in TV, Film and Theatre and it would allow my project to stand out from the others. Oh, did I forget to mention that we had to plan, develop, and evaluate the whole thing as well as produce a 30 sec to 1 minuet reel/video. It was going to be a large task to undertake. The first stage was planning, and I had to research everything I wanted to do, create design plans, produce a budget, and hire a cinematographer, a model and book a location. It was all rather stressful. I had to keep a diary as well and write about everything I was doing and why I was doing it. That was the hard part for me, explaining why? It's just not an answer that ever comes easy to me. After producing my planning stage, I was ready for development. I made the prosthetics, practised the makeup, made the costume (yes made from scratch because for some reason I just could not buy one offline like everyone else and make my life easier), made a headpiece and I filmed everything, and the model was amazing everything was on plan and going well. And then as usual something had to go wrong. I hurt my back and needed emergency surgery. It was the scariest thing I have ever been through as person and to be honest I did not think I was going to walk again might as well finish the course. But I was stubborn (well that’s what my family and friends said) and determined to finish the course, so I spoke with my tutors and managed to finish from home while lying in bed. There was a couple of things I had to go in for, but everyone was very patient with me and so supportive and understanding. Luckly, I filmed my reel before I hurt myself and therefore had something I could still hand in. I was over the moon with the results and managed to get an A for my final grade. You can see the final reel/video as the bottom of this page.  



Reflective writing my favourite thing to do. This has never been my strong suit, but we all must start somewhere right. So, what did I learn from my experience. Well, that’s a rather long list of things to be honest. The biggest thing is that no matter the challenge thrown my way my stubbornness will always help me overcome it. I loved doing my graded unit as it really pushed me to do things I had never done before. Like I put light in a prosthetic piece. To some people that might just sound as a run of the mill thing to do if you know nothing about making prosthetics, but it was something rather challenging and not something my tutor had ever seen any of his students do before. As I said I wanted to push myself. It was tricking as I had to place the lights in before the silicone started to set, and I had to make sure they stayed in place. I then had to pray the light still worked while encased in silicone. And hooray then did in face work. Was it the most refined prosthetic I had ever made no, but it was certainly eye catching and help to tell the stop of my character. I also learnt how to sew and make a costume. I really developed some great fine motor skills there as some parts of the costume where rather intricate in terms of putting it together. As with any experience there was a few unexpected things that occurred. The first being that my model pulled out the night before the video shoot. My first reaction was to panic of course. I had made everything with this person in mind and to fit them so now I had to find someone and find them fast. So, I put a post up on all my social media pages asking for help and if anyone was available even just for a few ours. Luckily someone did get back to me and was available. So, with the new model I did have to make a few adjustments to the costume and pin stuff in place and hope it didn’t move. I then had to make some changed to the makeup also so that it suited this model’s face as well at the hair as my new model had short hair whereas my other model had long hair. Everything went well though and I was so happy with the results. Everyone done their part amazingly well and we managed to film everything before the rain started. So, the other thing that went wrong was my health. As mentioned above I had to have emergency surgery done on my back (a microdiscectomy on my L4 and L5 to be precise). It was a scary and painful experience I somehow managed to get a rare condition called cauda equina. I had no clue what that was either. Basically, think of a slipped disc but worse. My disc had come all the way out and was pressing on the nerves at the bottom pf my spine. Sounds painful, it was. But alas I did not let this stop me from finishing. I had a laptop and Wi-Fi so basically, I could do anything, but this ultimately meant I could finish my course. There were a few things I had to go in for but by the time those things came around I was back on my feet and walking (rather slowly but still it’s the effort that counts). I feel overall this experience taught me so much and helped me develop so many of my skills as a makeup artist. 



After toying with the idea of “what shall I do next?” I have decided to do a BA Creative Enterprises with Queen Margret University. It's in partnership with Fife College which is great for me as it close to home. I really want to learn to create my own brand and business and thing this course will help me to do that. Another thing I am planning to do I post on my social media more and make my TikTok's public as I usually only set them to friends only but I'm trying to build my confidence and skills. I want to also make YouTube tutorials with the help of my sister who is studying media and communication. It would be a great way for both of us to learn and grow in our selected area of expertise. 

Industry Based Learning Task 2 - Case Study of someone in our industry 

Stacey Marie  

Stacey Marie is an online MUA and content creator with a following of over just half a million on Instagram. Stacey with her love of all thing's makeup has inspired a whole new generation of makeup artists across the Uk and the world. Starting out as just any other makeup artist Stacey loved makeup and specialised is bold and colourful looks. She started posting on Instagram at first just to share the look she had created and then started more in-depth tutorials when people started asking about how to achieve these eye-catching looks. She began to trend, and the style of makeup soon became popular, and people loved to recreate and take inspiration from her posts. In 2018 she came out with her first pallet in collaboration with BPerfect Cosmetics. A small Irish brand this was going to be their first big collab. It was a hit when it first launched. People loved the colour rage and the quality of the shadows. She has then gone on to do a further 4 collaborations with the brand helping to put both their names on the industries map as well. Each launch is always highly anticipated and sells out completely on launch days. I think where Stacey has gone right in her career is that she relates everything back to the fact that she like many is a working MUA till this day and loves to work on clients. She also now does tutorials helping many to develop their skills and knowledge. During lockdown she and brands would put on competitions that encouraged people to get creative and create themed makeup looks at home. Me included. This helped bring people together and not feel lonely during such a debilitating time. It wasn’t really about the winning it was about having fun and supporting each others art. Stacey is someone that greatly inspires me and my love for makeup. She was one of the reasons I decided to study makeup and develop a love all things glam. You feel that you can relate to her and trust her opinions as she's got firsthand experience working in the industry.  



Marie, S. (2023) 'Soft Glam flame emoji #softglammakeup #neutralmakeup' [Instagram]. 30th August. Available at: 18/09/23). 

Marie, S. (2022) 'A million different colourways coming right up! sparkle emoji who wants a tutorial?! person hand up emoji side eyes emoji' [Instagram]. 31 May. Available at: (Accessed: 18/09/23). 

Becker, K. (2018) PIC: Beauty lovers step out for launch of the BPerfect Stacey Marie Carnival Pallet. Available at: (Accessed: 18 September 2023). 

stacey marie photo 2_edited.jpg
stacey marie photo 1.jpg

Week 3  

25th September  

This week we have been looking at mindsets. I really enjoyed watching the videos and felt they helped me understand better what a fixed mindset is and what a growth mindset is. We had to do several tasks which I felt I have done in quite a good time for me. A skill for me that I am constantly working on is my typing. When I first went to college it was still a thing to hand in written essays whereas now everything is online. So, when I started back at college to do Makeup Artistry, I was nervous about my typing abilities. I was rubbish and really struggled but as time has gone on, I have really improved and can even tough type now. Which to me is a big achievement. I have begun to feel more confident in what I have to do for this class. The first couple of weeks I really struggled and was asking myself if this course was for me? Should I drop out?  

But me being me I have decided to stay. I have even put myself forward as a team lead for my Cultural Project class. Though I did take some convincing to go for it. Also, this week I have really been thinking about what I want to do for my other class, Professional Practice Portfolio, as I know it ties in with what I am doing for this class also. I just can't seem to decide at the moment. I think for now I just want to get back to practicing some more looks and developing my skills as a makeup artist the now and then when I feel confident enough, I shall think about something bigger like doing tutorials or doing clients. Anyway, that's me all caught up and up to date with everything the now. I'm going to start working on analysing my industry for the rest of the week and my goals. Until next time bye for now.  


In the last seven days have you displayed a fixed mindset?  

An example from this past week of me showing fixed mindset would be when I was talking to my sister this week about my weight. I have always had a funny relationship with food. It's really all over the place. I also have PCOS which has affected my mind and body since I was 16 years old. I'm about to turn 27, so it's been a long time. With issues with my back occurring this last year I know I need to lose weight to help my back get better. I also just want to lose weight. The issue is I tell myself what is the point? You cannot do it because of a million reasons. This is something that is just never going to happen no matter how much you talk about it, no matter the diet etc. Its definitely a fixed mindset that I need to overcome. 


In the last seven days have you displayed a growth mindset? 

Just over the past weekend I showed a growth mindset. Here is the situation I hate people coming into my house. By this I mean I have panic attack answering the door to strangers. I do not really have people over even my family. So, this last weekend I decided I need to change this fixed mindset that I have. So, I invited my younger sister over to stay the night. A sleepover if you will. I kept telling myself that everything was going to go well. We were going to have a fun time and create some great memories together. This is a step in the right direction is what I was saying to myself. There are no rewards without some risk and that is something I have just learned recently. So, she stayed, and we had an amazing time together and we cannot wait to do it all over again sometime soon. 

Which mindset worked out and why? 

I would say the growth mindset worked out the best for me as I was actually doing something that even though I found scary I was rewarding in the end, and I learned that letting people in is not a bad thing to do. It is a great way to think as I allowed me to do something I had never done before and learned something from the situation and overtime I shall grow increasingly confident in letting people into my home. 

When would you like to adopt a growth mindset more often? 

It is definitely a mindset that I would love to start implementing more into various aspects of my life. I can be stubborn and set in my ways but then I feel like I'm not really living my life to its full potential I afraid be being judged and looking a fool. Whereas I need to stop thinking like that and live my life for me and do things I enjoy but also push myself to try new things and not fear failure and try and look at as a learning experience of what can I do differently next time.


Know yourself – Stells Cotterell – do this activity and answer these questions  

  • What is your personal metaphor for life?  

I try to have a positive mindset always and believe treating others with kindness. You will then receive it back tenfold. 

  • What words do you use, if any, to express that metaphor in daily life?  

I often say “I treat other how I would like to be treated” 

  • How does it help makes sense of your life?  

It helps me to understand other people and what they may be going through. I know that at times I may not be the in the best mood and need some space and people that give that to me, and I will do the same for them. I also just try and never judge someone to quick. I get to know them, treat them with some kindness, and hope they will do the same back. It's nice to be nice is something my mum has always said, and I truly believe that. Even if someone is maybe not treating you in the nicest way, you never know what is going on in someone else's head so it's always a good idea to step back from those situations and be the better person.


  • In what ways, if any, does this metaphor offer a constructive way of approaching your life?  

I like to think it helps me when meeting to new people and making new friends. I can see who I vibe with and who also has the same mindset as me. When in new situations I always think about how everyone else is just as nervous as me and that we are all on the same boat so if I say “hello, what's your name? How are you?” and then crack some jokes that will then make them feel at ease with me and we can all relax a little. 

Reflect - what have you learnt? How does it feel?  

I have really enjoyed learning about mindsets. I have learnt what a growth mindset is and where in my life I have applied that mindset. I have also learnt about a fixed mindset and where in my life that has held me back. It is always hard to look at oneself and see where we have gone wrong, right, and then be reflective on that, as it can be what I call “soul bearing” which can leave a person feeling exposed and vulnerable. For me personally, I hate feeling that way but understand now from today's lesson and watching the videos we had been given as resources that, we can all grow and develop in different ways and in different aspects of our life, if we change our core belief. That of a fixed mindset and being scared of looking stupid, to one of growth and having the courage to take on new challenges and learn from our mistakes and failures. 

Reference: Dweck, C. (2012). Mindset: How You Can Fulfil Your Potential. London: Robinson.

Bassot, B. (2020). The reflective journal. 3rd ed. London: Red Globe Press.

Week 4  

2nd October  

This week we have been tasked with researching and analysing our industries. In my case that would be the Makeup Industry. It's not all due for this week, which is a weight off my shoulders as I have so much to do for my other classes also. I am looking forward to diving into the research and analysis as I love my industry. What do I love about it I hear you ask? Well, is grants me the opportunity to be creative and express myself in what I consider a fun way. I love to see what others have created also and even following others on their own personal makeup journeys. I think I shall be coming back and forth with this blog; this week I shall be keeping you posted on my research and analysis and what I'm learning. It shall be a fun activity and I can add load of pictures. I don’t why I find that part the most exciting, but this blog needs some splash of colour. I shall be back soon with an update.  

Week 5 

23rd October  

Its spooky season. We are all just back from the October holidays. And I am a year older than I was before we broke off. Fun fact I hate my birthday. I hate getting old! But people always tell me I look way younger than I actually am so that is always nice. I have been working on my industry research and analysis and I have to say I am way overthinking it. I think I may be adding too much but I like to be thorough and always make sure I am ticking all the boxes. Today we were looking at branding and creating logos. I really have no clue what I want my brand to be like at all. We are going to be working with graphic designers to help us create logos and then create and build a brand from there. We also had 1 to 1 meeting with Caron. I think mine went well. The workload is a lot, but I was expecting that considering I am doing a degree. I am happy with how everything is going so far, and I think I will be able to keep on track. My goal for this week is to work on my research some more and find some books I can reference, rather than just using all internet sources. 

Week 6  

30th October  

This week I am still working on my industry research and analysis. I'm not too sure what the word analysis means and if I am even doing that while I am doing all my work. Hopefully, I am. I have decided to reorganise my websites pages. You will probably notice a whole load of new subpages under each class. I really wanted to keep everything organised and have given different things their own pages so that not everything is on the same page, and you cannot find anything. I have also been working on my SWOT analysis this week and my SMART plan. I have already done the SWOT and made it into a diagram. I was fairly chuffed with it considering I have never made a diagram before. I am still to do my SMART plan, but I am still working on it. Right now, I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything as we have so much to do for each class and I really feel the work beginning to pile up on me. I am keeping up with everything so far, but I would love to be even further ahead than I currently am. It is also Halloween today so I will post a Halloween photo bellow. I really love the style of makeup at Halloween. It does not all need to be blood and gore, it can also be bold, colourful, and creative, which are all factors I love to include in work.  

Week 12 - 11th December

Oh, my goodness. We are on week 12 already. So, I haven't posted on my blog page in around 6 weeks. I swear I have a good reason as to why not. I have simply been doing so much and have had so much work to do for other areas of this class, and in my other classes also. Let's have a look back on what I have been doing for the last 6 weeks. First off, I have done 6 workshops with Bridge 2 Business, with this class. They have been good. I have written separate reflection posts on another page about them all. I have really enjoyed learning about all the individual topics as well as learning about myself and who I want to be as a creative entrepreneur. For the last few weeks, I have been asking myself why I have come on this course as it is sooooo different from what I have done previously, not to mention the workload is massive. I think for me once I start something I can't stop. When I was younger, I use to have a tendency to just quit when the going got tough. As I have grown and learnt that while yes change is uncomfortable, scary and anxiety inducing, it is within those moments that real change actually occurs. Once we are then past those moments, we have truly learned something and are on a new path in the journey we call life. I like to think that there is always light in the darkness, and darkness within the light. 

Last week we went to Queen Margaret University campus. Though we are students at the university our course is hosted at Fife College Stenton Campus. Honestly, I'm glad that it is hosted there as going all the way to QMU 3 days a week would be a lot of traveling and more expensive. I loved the campus though. It was great to look around and see all that they had to offer. I loved that they had a lot of greenery and students work everywhere. Its wasn’t a sterile and cold looking place. There was also spaces everywhere for students to sit and get work done. It sort of created this very homey feeling, they were also allowed food and drink, which we aren't allowed in the Stenton campus library (sad times). I took some photos which I will place bellow. 

Finally, I have been doing all of my industry research, as well as doing case studies, branding, swot and smart plans and because I love to punish myself, I have decided to add a job roles page also. I'm not 100% completed everything yet. I'm still working on branding as I just had a meeting with a graphic designer last week and we are working on creating some branding so I will add the information onto the page once it's done, explaining the development and how I got my final designs when I get them. I also need to work on the job roles page. This is something I'm not as stressed about as its not essential I'm just being extra, but I will have it done by the new year. I have completed all of my industry research though and I'm just awaiting feedback the now from my tutor. I really enjoyed looking into my industry from a different perspective. Before I have done research and reports on it but with this was more about the business side and how I could make up money, factors that affect growth etc. I did find myself while doing it all, asking myself if I was writing about the right stuff, as I have never done it before and for each industry it is going to look different. I think that I have done a good job, though I probably will have to fix a few things but that’s normal and I'm prepared for that feedback. As of right now it is the last week before we break off for 4 weeks for the Christmas holidays, though I do think I shall still have a lot of course work to do during the holidays. With that being said, I shall probably next update my blog the first week back and update on what I have done over the break. Until next time. Merry Christmas. 

Fireworks Show
Week 14 - 15th January 

So, I am back from my 4-week holidays. I will be honest and say I have not done much work over Christmas and new year. The first half of this course really drained me mentally and emotionally and I really needed a break especially knowing that we are on the countdown to the end of this course and all the final deadlines are on the horizon. Though I have learned a lot about myself in the last few weeks, and a lot has gone on. First off, I put my notice in at my part time job, there was many reasons of course but ultimately, I was very unhappy at my place of work. I was there for 7 years and throughout that time I have gained so many skills. My biggest one being my communication skills. When I first started, I was very quiet, reserved and anxious to speak to others. I really didn't know how to speak to other people. Over time though I began to be able to read social cues and open up to others. I was able to confidently express myself to others in a professional manner. I also made friends along the way which was bonus. My skills in communication or as I like to call it the “gift of the gab” did not go unnoticed, my manager thought I was great at speaking with others and because of my background in childcare I was good at teaching people new skills and had the patients to do so and on that note she asked me if I could start training new starts. As it was a housekeeping job that I done timekeeping and organisation skill where essential and something that we had to use every shift to carry out our job effectively. This past year though since my surgery on my back, my mindset and way of thinking has changed drastically. I remember lying in that hospital bed before the surgery and it was terrifying, we had no idea at the time what the result would be, if I would be able to walk? Would I have complications? The unknow was scary. It was in that moment when lying there in pain and terrified for my life that I decided that if I was to wake up and recover well from this, I would start putting myself first. I knew it would be a difficult and long journey, but I was determined. I have made good on my promise to myself so far, I now see a therapist fortnightly, I call the doctor when I need to, I started this course, I make more time for my hobbies, and I left my job. There has obviously been some anxiety along the way, but I have come to realise that is normal when going through so many changes. I think for me, last year showed me that anything can happen at any given time, it's how you handle and adapt to these changes that helps to build your character and understanding of the world. 

With this being my first post of the new year, I thought I should set myself some new year goals for this class and make a little list. Mostly because I love a good list. 

  • Post more on social media 

  • Keep up to date with all my work  

  • Have fun doing the Female Boss workshops 

  • Don't get too stressed out  

  • Hand in my assignment on time  

  • Do more class reading 

  • Get an A for this class  

Reference: Bassot, B. (2020). The reflective journal. 3rd ed. London: Red Globe Press.

22nd January – Blog Post  

 Today I had a feedback meeting with Caron about all my work so far. The feedback was positive but as with any form of feedback there is always room for improvement. First thing is that I need to start adding in more academic references in my reflective writing. At the start of the year, I made my way through the reading list and thought “yeah I've got this” and then proceeded to do the reflective writing but not reference anything that I have read or learnt. So today after the meeting I went back to look at some resources to just help to refocus on what I was doing and what is being asked of me. I really like Driscoll's “What?” model of reflection as I find this easy to use and helps me focus in on what I want to write about and what I am aiming to achieve. I also found that when thinking back to what I have read I have gone off a topic a bit when it comes to what I want to achieve from this course. The whole point of me doing it is because I want to be a creative Entrepeneur. But what does that look like to me and who do I get there. When reading Cortelle I realised that it might be better for me “to go back to basics as they say”. Some of the main points that she makes is to focus on yourself, which is an area I can do better in. What is my purpose? A piece of feedback that I received is that I need to fine tune this now. What is my goal? How do I plan to achieve it? So, for this week I am to create a new action plan that is much more detailed around what I want to achieve as a creative? How do I plan to do that? What is the outcome? I will have my new action plan done and uploaded this week at some point. Something else that i yet to do is make a LinkedIn account. For some reason the thought of doing it fill me with dread, but it is essential when it comes to networking, and this is an area that i need to work on. I'm someone that likes to keep to myself in my private like but if I wasn't to a successful makeup artist, I need to start taking more initiative, even if I feel uncomfortable, I need to push myself out of my comfort zone. I am going to finish off this blog here for the now and then come back with an update later this week with what I have been doing and some new goals set in place. 

Here is a videos I wanted to add in that helped me when looking into Gibbs models for reflective writing. I often find that if I hear the information from different perspectives it helps me to gain a full understanding of what it is and how to use the it. 

Reference: Yonis, D.A. (2023) The best evidence-based method for reflection | using Gibbs’ reflective cycle, YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: 22 January 2024). 

29th January


Today I am using the Jaspers reflective model to aid me in writing my reflective blog. 

What's been happening? - This last week I have up to a lot with my social media accounts. I have been filming TikTok videos to post on the app to help to build my following and to also show off my skills and knowledge. I have made a few videos and have uploaded the links on to on the Creative Projects page. I thought it would be easier to put everything in the one place. I have also been working on an action place this last week. Having got the feedback that I need to make a new more detailed plan I have really been thing about what my goals are specifically and how I want to achieve them.  

What have I been learning? - Navigating social media is not easy. Especially as someone that doesn't really like to follow trends. I know the key is to stay consistent. Something that I have learned though is that even though the videos are short, they take a long time to film and edit. I didn't realise that I would be sitting for 2 hours at a time doing each one. Though at times difficult to find the time in my day to do with some much going on, I find that I like having that time to spend with myself doing what I love. Editing though is not for the faint of heart, I must watch some videos on basic editing as I truly had no idea how to do it. Cutting clips, adding sound, effects. It's a lot of work that takes time to perfect. Another thing is someone that is usually used to speaking to people when doing makeup, it been an odd experience sitting and talking to a camera. There is a lack of flow you could say when sitting talking to yourself essentially. I am sure that overtime with practice and experience I shall improve in being comfortable in front of the camera. 

Next point of action – I shall be continuing to post on my social media more regularly and I hope to grow in confidence and my editing skills somewhat improve. As for other aspects of the creative project I will also be doing some makeup looks on clients in the following weeks as well as 2 photoshoots which is all rather exciting. As always, I love to share my skills and knowledge with others as well as just having fun while being creative. I am planning to do a working shop next week called Female Boss which I am really looking forward to and hoping to learn how to develop my idea as a creative into an actual business.  

"This simple framework was developed by Jasper (2013) and is based on building understanding from experience. The key component is that of action, as this feeds learning through reflection forward into future experiences"


Robinson, J. (2023) In-depth explanation of era cycle of reflection writing, Crowjack. Available at: (Accessed: 23 January 2024). 

First Blog of February 

Description: What happened? 

This past week I have received feedback from all my tutors regarding my work so far. A lot of it was positive which is good, but something that they all said was that I needed to work on my reflective writing, one said it needs to be more academic and I can't have my own opinion it needs to all be backed up by academic sources. Another said that it was sounding descriptive and that I need to reflect on myself and learning more.  

Feelings: What were you thinking and feeling? 

This feedback has left me all rather confused. I like getting feedback so that's not a negative for me. I like to be able to learn and grow and I wasn't making mistakes necessarily but rather I had gone off the path a little and needed nudged back onto it. The confusion comes from what they offered I could do to improve. All want me to show reflective writing, but they all seem to have a different view of what reflective writing is. This is making me question everything I am doing and if I need to go back and change absolutely everything I have done so far. Surely ythe definition of what reflective writing is should be the same in all classes? This way it's not bias and is all at the same level. This is why am confused and honestly feeling a bit frustrated now as I feel like I keep doing it wrong but then when I ask how to fix it, I am getting different answers from everyone.  

Evaluation: What was good and bad about the experience? 

I would say that this is my only negative situation I have had from the course so far, as I feel not everyone is on the same page which is making me feel unmotivated to do any of the work right now, as I feel frustrated. 

Analysis: What sense can you make of the situation? 

I am seeing this experience as a learning one. I can take away from this that I need to do more personal research on subjects to understand then wholly. That when I need to, speak up and ask for help, as the old saying goes “if you don't ask, you don't get”. Also learning to be more patient with myself, I tend to get so mad at myself for making mistakes and I need to remind myself I am learning and learning is all about making mistakes and growing from them.  


Conclusion: What else could you have done? 

Something I could do is make all my tutors aware that I am confused and why. I could also speak to the other members of my class and try and gage where they are at and if they had any helpful tips to help me a long.  


Action plan: What would you do next time? 

My plan right now is to talk to my tutors and get some clarification on what they want specifically and let them know that because of the conflicting opinions on what reflective writing is, I am getting confused and therefore no longer know what style to write in.  

Reference: Simplifier, M. (2020) Gibbs reflective model with an example - simplest explanation ever, YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: 05 February 2024). 

Another Day, Another Blog

What's been happening? 

This past week I have attend my second Female Boss workshops which was fantastic, I wrote a whole blog about on the Female Boss page. I have also been working on creating more content for my social media accounts. I have done a “Get Ready with Me” video and a couple “day in the life” videos. I have also bought a new light to help improv the qualities on my videos. I am finding that I am not posting as much makeup content as I would like, and this is the same with my Instagram and Facebook also. Though i have had a lot of positive feedback on my makeup videos, I am finding that I like to film more day in the life videos. 

What have I been learning?  

This past week I have been learning a lot about myself as a person I would say. I am finding that I have a lot of ups and downs when it comes to having the motivation do my work. I will make myself a plan every week, but I am finding it difficult right now to stick with it and get it all done. As for creating content, I am finding I am lacking inspiration a little. I don't want to follow trends, instead I want to do my own thing. Which on one hand it's a good thing I am developing my own niche but at the same time, trends are trends for a reason, and they could help me to grow in my following by doing a couple of them.  

Next point of Action  

Over the next couple of weeks, I am going to focus on creating more makeup content, Its February so I am going to plan and make some Valentines makeup looks, do some creative and then some more everyday looks. I also have a photoshoot this week which I will be making a lot of content of such as behind the scenes, doing the looks, day in the life ect. It will also be a great opportunity for me to get some more professional photos done for my portfolio which is something I really want to work on this coming month. I also need to add to feedback page as well as my activity log/ creative project page. I am doing this all on a work document the now though so I can keep everything in one place, and I know where I am at with it.  

Reference: Driscoll’s model of Reflection (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 05 February 2024).

What's been happening? 

This past week I have been up to a lot. Creating content, doing theory work, a workshop, a photoshoot, creating more face charts for another photoshoot and more. It's been a lot and all rather hectic. On Wedensday we done the photoshoot for my group project called Kaptured Majik. I done the makeup for 2 of the clients, and we had 3 overall as 1 person did not show up. I created 2 looks that I had designed with the clients and had created face charts for them and gotten feedback off them. On Thursday I had another Female Boss workshop, and this week was about confidence building and tips to avoid imposter syndrome. Then on Sunday I filmed a makeup video and day in the life video for my social media and to practice for another class also.


What have I been learning? 

With the photoshoot, though I have done them before, this was the first time I had worked with a group to organise the entire thing. Throughout the process of working with the group I have learnt to have a lot of patience with others. Before I would snap at people and could be quite confrontational, when we would have a disagreement, especially when we are all working so closely on the project and all putting a lot of time and effort into the project. Now though I have become a mediator of sorts. I look for other solutions to problems, negotiate and compromise on artistic decisions. It can be difficult at times as I want to be seen but I think that when looking at all the work we have done together you can see how much effort I have put in. When it came to the actual photoshoot day, I was so nervous as I felt under a lot of pressure to produce fantastic makeup looks. 2 of the people in my group had never worked with me in a professional setting before and I could feel their apprehensions. I am a confident makeup artist, but I am only human and when you feel that not judgement necessarily but that question of “is she actually any good?”, it does knock your confidence a little bit. I did get both my client's makeup and hair done is a good time. I spent around an hour on both, and they were very happy with the results. We are still waiting to see the final images as the photographer is editing them currently, but I got a sneak peek on the day of the shoot, and they looked amazing.  


When at the female boss this week we looked at tips for avoiding imposter syndrome and confidence building. At first, I wasn't too sure what imposter syndrome was but when it was explained I had a better understanding.  

“Imposter syndrome, also called perceived fraudulence, involves feelings of self-doubt and personal incompetence that persist despite your education, experience, and accomplishments.” (Raypole, 2021) 

I felt that I did relate to these feeling in some ways especially in academic settings and when working on sets. When working in theatre for the first time I was asked to work on all the principal actors, I was confused at first as this was an experience that I was doing with my class, and I was so baffled as to why no one else was asked as I thought we are all as good at each other at the time. When I asked the lead makeup artist though she said that I was chosen because I was always the first one to arrive and the last to leave. I had made a good first impressions. A tip we got from the workshop was to focus on all your small wins and it made me think of that moment. I guess I didn't understand at the time that first impressions matter especially when working in a team setting. I really enjoyed the entire workshop and have written a more in-depth reflection on the Female Boss page. 

This past week I had hoped to make more content. I found myself lacking both inspiration and time. I feel as a creative that at times, especially after I have completed a big project, that I am creatively drained. I just can’t seem to find inspiration or the motivation to do anything specially making content. When making a makeup video it can take me a couple of hours. Picking the products, deciding what look to create, then filming everything, getting the angles and lighting right, and then editing the whole thing. It's a long process and doesn't always go to plan and I end up not posting it because I hate how it turned out. I did do 2 days in the life videos and a valentines makeup look video, but they just aren't preforming that well. I don't know if it's the time I am posting them at, the hashtags, the captions, the music or just the content itself. There is so many variables to consider and it's getting to be rather frustrating trying to get it right.   

What am I going to do next? 

For the next photoshoot I attend I am going to be more confident in my skills and reasure the people that I am working with that I know what I am doing. Having the confidence to speak up and say, “I am a good makeup artist”. I also want to work on various forms of content for my social media not just makeup videos as I think this will help to pull in a bigger audience of people. I am also going to experiment with what time I am posting, what hashtags I am using and see if this makes any difference to my views and interactions.  

Reference: Raypole, C. (2021) Imposter Syndrome: What it is & how to overcome it, Healthline. Available at: (Accessed: 12 February 2024). 

Another Week, Another Blog


This past week I have really been focusing on all my theory work, as I had let it fall to the wayside a little bit there. For this class I have been looking more into various job roles. I had already done industry research, but I wanted to do some more in-depth research to develop my knowledge and refocus on what my goals are. So, this past week I have been watching YouTube Videos, reading books, looking for articles and other resources that I could add, to have a full understanding of my industry. I have also been working on my design plans for an upcoming photoshoot that I have with photographer Jazmin Ozey at the end of the week. We are doing 2 looks at the shoot on the one model. The looks are based of songs with the whole meaning being that we are turning music into art.  


I have learnt a lot more about my industry this week. There is so many roles that you can go into. Take editorial for example, one would assume it's just the one role, working with brands to create Avant Garde looks however, when delving into that sector I learnt there is around 20 different roles you could take on within the industry such as being a brand makeup artist, fashion makeup artist, runways makeup artist, lead artists, makeup designer and assistant. There was just so many. It was interesting to learn and then look at what I was able to do as I do have a HNC in Fashion and Editorial Makeup. With working on the looks for the photoshoot I have been drawing face charts to design the looks. With collaborating with a photographer, it's interesting to see another person perspective. One of the looks is a skull makeup look, though I have done a couple of them before I have never drawn one digitally, so that was a new challenge. I had to use a lot of my fine motor skills to create it as it was a more detailed design. When designing it I had to think about what products I had and if I had what I would need, as I had to make sure I had those colours available. I have been really stressed with all the deadlines on the horizon, but I feel that I am at a point now that everything is coming together. 


By next week I will have done the photoshoot, so I plan to take photos of everything and film a behind the scenes videos to post on my social media accounts. I will be adding this all to my creative project page which is something I also plan to work on next week. My overall goal for next week is to tick off as many things as possible off, what I call my Bad A** To Do List. I shall post a photo of this below.  

Last One – Now to work on my final essay 


These past few weeks have been so hectic, and a lot has been happening. With all the deadlines on the horizon, and a lot still to do. I think I will get over that finish line by the scrapes of my feet. I have been working on the 2 deadlines that I have for March, so it has taken me away from doing this class work, but I already have a lot of it done. I have started my final essay for this class. I am doing it on a word document now and then once it is complete and I am happy with it I shall post in on here on its own page. I have also been attending the Female Boss workshops. We have one left which is crazy how the 8 weeks just flew by. I have written reflection pics on all the workshops I have done on a separate page. I have also had a photoshoot with Jazmin Osey at the start of the March which went well, and I am still waiting to see the results from the shoot.  


A big part of why I am stressed with all my work is not because I am behind or not understanding what I should do, rather I have a lot of people within the class are asking me for help all the time. I don't mind helping here and there with little things, but I am at a point of I need to make solid boundaries with people. It is not little things they're asking me at this point, it is them asking me to look over all their work, and help them research, what should they be doing? What do they need to add to their websites? I am not a tutor, nor do I have the time to be focusing all this time on them and their work. I think for me my downfall is that I hate to upset people. I am always the first person to offer help in any way that I can and if I have time, I don't mind helping people with small things. I have a hard time saying no to people, but I am at a point that I need to be firm and say p all the time. I don't mind helping here and there with little things, but I am at a point of I need to make solid boundaries with people. It is not little things they're asking me at this point, it is them asking me to look over all their work, and help them research, what should they be doing? What do they need to add to their websites? I am not a tutor, nor do I have the time to be focusing all this time on them and their work. I think for me my downfall is that I hate to upset people. I am always the first person to offer help in any way that I can and if I have time, I don't mind helping people with small things. I have a hard time saying no to people, but I am at a point now where I need to be firm and say No., I just feel like I have been taken advantage of a bit. Regarding my work and creative practice, though I have a lot to do, I am really enjoying learning and doing everything. The photo shoot I did went well despite having to work off a sofa. Us makeup artists have to set up in some strange places sometimes. I don't know why people never think of the fact that when they hire a makeup artist that we will need a table and chair, but alas it is something that is regularly forgotten. I created this half glam makeup half skull makeup look. I have done a few of them before, but I hadn't done one in a couple of years. So, I was nervous about doing it and you need a really steady hand as the line work is intricate and you need to pay close attention the shapes and placement so that it aligns with the model's face. Jazmin and the model where happy with the look which was good. I didn't really like the colour scheme that we went with as Jazmin wanted the black line work changes to a grey, which I felt didn't really work with a pastel background. It will be interesting to see how the final images look.  


Over the next coming weeks, I will be finishing off all my blogs and website pages. I have my to do list which I am following that will aid me in achieving everything that I want to achieve. I will also be working on my final essays and reports for classes as well as my Dragons Den presentation. In regards of my creative practice, I have had an opportunity arise to work with the Edinburgh College of Art on the Fashion Graduates Runway Show. I will be taking them up on the offer and working with a lovely team s of makeup artist on the show.  

Reference: University, H. (2024) Library: Reflective writing: ERA, ERA - Reflective writing - Library at University of Hull. Available at: (Accessed: 20 February 2024). 

Some Behind the Scene Photos 

Here is a look at my Mother Nature look I created 

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